Monday 30 March 2015

Act 1: I'm Makoto.
This is an amazing day I'd ever had! I'm in Hope Peak's Academy!
Oh, I totally forgot to introduced myself.
I'm Makoto Naegi. I really dunno why I enter this academy.
This academy is the home to prodigies.But I'm not.
I'm not a mutant,nor do I have a Persona,
I'm just,a regular guy. That's all.

Hey, that's me! Well to continue, I was chosen by a lottery. A special lottery in fact. It was a big gamble.I was in. Like,literally! Huzzah! No exams!
As I red the blogs about this academy, I heard about a lot of people talking about prodigies entering this academy.
There's this pop idol, Sayaka Maizono. She the main lead for a five-girl band. What's more, I know here since I was in middle school.

Next, there's Mondo Owada. He the leader of a biker gang called Crazy Diamond,the biggest gang of all Japan.

Finally,the last one I've ever heard was fashion queen Junko Enoshima.I've seen her face in every fashion magazine in Japan.

Anyway, I've heard a lot of rumors, but I can't talk now. Got to get in for the academy orientation!
But, as I enter the academy, things started to get worst, real worst.
Darkness crept through my eyes,
and my peaceful life ends here.

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